National games

National Sports

A national sport is a sport or game that is considered to be an intrinsic part of the culture of a nation. Some sports are national sports as established by the law of the country, while others are popularly accepted as national sports.The national sport is not necessarily (and not usually) the most popular sport in that country, but they are sports or pastimes that are important historically or culturally significant to the country.

List of National Sports

Below is a list of countries and the sport or sports that are either officially or generally accepted as the national sport. Not all countries are listed, if you know of some details that should be listed here please let me know in the comments below.
Country Sport Notes
Afghanistan Buzkashi
Anguilla Yacht racing
Antigua and Barbuda Cricket
Argentina Pato defined as a national sport in 1953
Australia Cricket, AFL there is no official national sport, though there are good arguments for both cricket and Australian Football
Bahamas Sloop sailing defined as a national sport in 1993
Bangladesh Kabaddi defined as a national sport in 1972
Barbados Cricket
Bermuda Cricket
Bhutan Archery
Brazil Capoeira defined as a national sport in 1972
Canada Lacrosse (summer), Ice hockey (winter) defined as national sports in 1994
Chile Chilean rodeo defined as a national sport in 1962
China Table Tennis there is no official national sport, though table tennis is bery popular and China is well known for this sport
Colombia Tejo defined as a national sport in 2000
Czech Republic Ice hockey
Dominican Republic Baseball
England Cricket
Estonia Basketball
Finland Pesäpallo
Georgia Rugby union
Grenada Cricket
Guyana Cricket
Haiti Football
Hungary Football or Water polo
Iran Varzesh-e Bastani (wrestling) defined as a national sport in 1976
Ireland Gaelic games
Israel Football
Italy Football
Jamaica Cricket
Japan Sumo Wrestling
Latvia Basketball (summer), Ice hockey (winter)
Lithuania Basketball
Madagascar Rugby union
Mauritius Football
Mexico Charrería Charrería is a competitive event similar to rodeo. It was defined as a national sport in 1933
Mongolia Archery, Mongolian wrestling, Horse racing
Nepal Dandi Biyo defined as a national sport in 1973
New Zealand Rugby Union
Norway Cross-country skiing
Pakistan Field Hockey defined as a national sport in 1948
Papua New Guinea Rugby league
Peru Paleta Frontón
Philippines Arnis defined as a national sport in 2009
Poland Football
Puerto Rico Baseball, Paso Fino Paso Fino horse riding was defined as as the autochthonous sport in 1966.
Romania Oina
Russia Bandy
Scotland Golf
Serbia Banatske Šore
Slovenia Alpine skiing
South Korea Taekwondo
Spain Football  
Sri Lanka Volleyball defined as a national sport in 1991
Turkey Oil wrestling & Cirit
Turks and Caicos Islands Cricket
United States Baseball
Uruguay Destrezas Criollas (Creole Skills) defined as a national sport in 2006
Venezuela Baseball
Wales Rugby union
